AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Training

2102 Learners

Learn how to design and build systems on AWS. Learn how to collect, ingest, store, process, and visualize data. Master IAM, EC2, VPC, and boost your cloud career.

Required Exam: AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate (SAA-C02)

Job Roles: Cloud Software Engineer, AWS Cloud Architect, Operational Support Engineer

Cloud Chalktalk is a Houston TX based company and provides both Online and In classroom AWS Certification deliveries in 25 major cities of United States.

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

Starting at $37 /mo with

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Key Highlights

20+ Hrs ILT Training
45 Hrs Self-paced Videos
32 Hrs Project & Exercises
AWS Certification
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Lifetime Free Upgrade
Real Time Mentor Support

Overview - AWS Certified Solutions Architect

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate course is designed to cover the fundamentals of building IT infrastructures on the AWS platform. 

Many people think of the cloud as a nebulous, invisible place or abstract model. But in reality, the cloud is just a type of computing where individuals and businesses rely on a third party to manage their data and computer processing via the internet. Cloud Chalktalk provides the best aws training. The course will guide you to optimize the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how they fit into cloud-based environments. Solution architectures vary, depending on the industry, areas of application, and the size of the business. This course will equip you with the knowledge of AWS Cloud best practices and recommended design patterns to help you think and build optimal IT solutions for your clients on AWS.

The course contains case studies that represent how some AWS clients have designed their infrastructures and the strategies and services they have implemented. It also gives you ample opportunities to develop a variety of infrastructures and solution models via a guided, hands-on approach.

According to Glassdoor, the national average salary for an AWS Solution Architect is $118,154 in the United States. 

5 Best Paying AWS Solutions Architect Jobs in the USA.

Attention: The internal data of table “3” is corrupted!

Top 10 Cities Average Salary for AWS Solutions Architect in the US.

Attention: The internal data of table “4” is corrupted!


This AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate course will learn to:

  1. Make architectural decisions based on AWS-recommended architectural principles and best practices.

  2. Leverage AWS services to make your infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available.

  3. Leverage AWS managed services to enable greater flexibility and resilience in an infrastructure.

  4. Make an AWS-based infrastructure more efficient to increase performance and reduce costs.

  5. Use the Well-Architected Framework to improve architectures with AWS solutions.


To avail career services assistance along with this AWS Solution Architect course, participants can jump on to the Cloud Expert Program

Post the completion of AWS Solutions Architect Associate, you can opt for Solutions Architect Professional.


  • For ensuring the best learning experience and maximum impact, the course is a perfect blend of theory and practical hands-on experience.
  • No Prerequisites needed, however prior hands on experience in working on any cloud architecture is recommended.


In this course we, will cover:

Cloud Computing Fundamentals

  1. What is Cloud?
  2. Underlying technologies that power the cloud
  3. NIST definition of the word “Cloud”
  4. Cloud Computing Models
  5. Cloud Service Models




    7. Cloud Deployment Model




Cloud Providers Quick Comparison

History & Introduction to AWS

  1. What is AWS?
  2. AWS pace of Innovation
  3. Gartner Magic Quadrant IAAS leader
  4. AWS Services Stack Overview
  5. Regions
  6. Availability Zones
  7. Point of Presence
  8. Concept of High Availability
  9. Multi-AZ configuration Models
  10. AWS Shared responsibility Model
  1. Concept of Virtualization
  2. Virtual Servers & EC2 Instances
  3. Features of EC2 Instances
  4. EC2 Instance Families
  5. Bare Metal
  6. Elastic GPus
  7. VMware on AWS
  8. Naming Convention & Invention
  9. Billing Models


  •   On-Demand
  • Reserved Instance
  • Spot Instance
  •  Saving Plan
  • Capacity Reservation


 10. Mixed Usage of billing Models

11. Instance Tenancy Models

  1.  Shared Host Instance
  2. Dedicated Host
  3. Dedicated Instance

 12. AWS Nitro System

 13. AWS Outposts

 14. EC2 labs

  •  AWS Console Overview
  • Creating EC2 Instances
  • Creating Key Pairs
  • Logic Options to EC2 Instances (Putty/Win/mac/Linux)
  • Configuring an application inside EC2 Instance
  • Stopping & Starting EC2 Instances
  • Terminating EC2 Instances
  • EC2 Bootstrap configurations
  • EC2 Instance Data & Metadata
  • EC2 Hibernate
  • Assigning Private & Elastic IPs
  • EC2 Placement Groups

LINUX Basics

  • Basics of Linux for AWS
  • Linux Installation and Basic commands overview
  • Web Server and Services Configurations
  1. AWS Storage Portfolio
  2. What is Block Storage
  3. Features of EBS
  4. EBS connectivity Models
  5. EBS Architecture
  6. Instance Store/ Ephemeral storage
  7. Types of EBS Volumes
  8. HDD vs SSD
  9. EBS Volumes Comparison
  10. Snapshots & AMIs
  11. EBS labs
  •  Configuring EC2 instances with EBS & Instance Store
  • Modify Exiting Volume Size
  • Add additional EBS Volumes
  • Create snapshots
  • Automating Snapshot Creation
  • Create EC2 Launch Templates
  1. Concept & need for Load Balancing
  2. Classic Load Balancer
  3. Application Load Balancer
  4. Network Load Balancer
  5. ELB comparison
  6. Load Balancer Capacity Units (Billing Models)
  7. ELB labs
  •  Create Classic Load Balancer
  • Configuring EC2 Instances with ELB
  • Add pages and to check Round Robin Routing
  • Application Load Balancer Working Demo
  1. What is Object Storage?
  2. S3 features
  3. Buckets & Objects
  4. Structure of S3
  5. Internal Storage Architecture of S3
  6. S3 Charge Methodologies
  7. S3 storage Classic Pricing
  8. Use cases
  9. Archival Storage
  10. Features of glacier
  11. Glaciers Retrievals
  12. Multi Part Upload
  13. S3 Access Points
  14. Labs
  •  Create buckets
  • Uploading Objects into buckets
  • Object & Bucket Permission
  • Bucket properties
  • Host static website on S3
  • S3 Versioning
  • S3 Bucket Replication
  • S3 Lifestyle Policy
  • S3 Encryption
  • Transfer Acceleration
  • S3 logging
  • S3 Analytics & Metrics
  • Additional Features Walkthrough
  • 3rd party Apps for S3 Uploads
  • Glacier Vaults
  • Glacier Vault Lock
  1. What is File Storage?
  2. File storage classifications
  3. Sharing Data across multiple EC2s
  4. Features of EFS
  5. Traditional NFS vs EFS
  6. FSx for Windows & FSx for Lustre
  7. AWS Storage Gateway
  •  File Gateway
  • Volume Gateway
  • Tape Gateway

 8. AWS DataSync

9. AWS Transfer for SFTP

10. AWS Snow family

  •  Snowball & Snowball Edge
  • Snowcone
  • Snowmobile

11. AWS Backup

12. Labs

  •  Create EFS Share
  • Attaching EFS to EC2 instances
  • Sharing Data between Instances using EFS
  • Creating FSx for Windows Share
  • Attach windows & Linux Systems
  • Connect On-prem to FSx share over VPN
  • Configuring Storage Gateway-File storage
  • Configure Storage GW with On-prem
  • Backup jobs, vaults & Protected Resources
  • Configure & automate AWS Backups for EC2 instances & other resources




  1. Life Before VPC
  2. VPC concepts & Architecture
  3. Components of VPC
  4. Networking Basics- IP Addressing
  5. Subnetting
  6. Private IP ranges & Reserved IPs
  7. VPC Routing
  8. NAT Gateway
  9. VPC Endpoints & Interface Endpoints
  10. VPC Security & Logging
  11. Security groups vs NACLs
  12.  Labs
  •  Creating a VPC
  • Create Subnets
  • Create Internet Gateway
  • Create & Configure Route Tables
  • Using a VPC for EC2 Instance
  • NACLs Configuration
  • Elastic IPs
  • Connecting VPCs with peering
  • VPN Endpoints Creation
  • Cross region VPN connectivity
  1. Mapping domain to Route53
  2. Domain Name Basics
  3. Global DNS Query Routing Flow
  4. Common DNS Record Types
  5. Route 53- DNS as a service
  6. Routing Policies
  •  Simple Routing Policy
  • Latency Based Routing (LBR)
  • Weighted Routing Policy
  • Geolocation Routing Policy
  • Failure Routing Policy

7. Labs

  •  DNS lookups
  • Creating Hosted Zones
  • Adding Records in Route 523
  • Simple record creation
  • Weighted routing Demo
  • Geo -location based routing demo
  • Health checks & Failover routing


  1. Shared Responsibility Model
  2. IAAS vs PAAS vs SAAS Security Model
  3. Identity & Access Management
  4. IAM Components
  5. Users, Groups, Policies & Roles
  6. IAM Policy Evaluation Flow
  7. IAM Best Practices
  8. Labs
  • Activating MFA on Account
  • Creating IAM users
  • Creating IAM groups
  • Assigning Users to Groups
  • Assigning Policies
  • Creating Custom Policies
  • Live Testing Policies
  • AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
  • IAM User Roles & Assuming Roles
  1. Database types & Use cases
  2. AWS Databases Services portfolio
  3. Relational Database Service (RDS)
  4. RDS Engine Types
  5. RDS Single AZ vs Multi AZ Availability pattern
  6. Amazon Aurora
  7. High Availability Aurora Architecture
  8. Read Replicas
  9. Automated Backups
  10. Snapshots Use Case
  11. RDX Proxy
  12. AWS Database Migration Service Overview
  13. AWS Schema Conversion Overview
  14. Difference between SQL vs NOSQL Database Types
  15. DynamoDB
  16. ElastiCache
  17. labs-Mini Projects
  • Create DB Subnet Group
  • Create MYSQL RDS Instance
  • On EC2 Install an application that required DB
  • Configure & Connect that application to database
  • Database manual Login & Configuration
  • Monitoring Application Modification directly on DB
  • Create Aurora Database
  • Actual Database Migration using DMS from MYSQL to Aurora
  • Switch Application  to Aurora after Migration
  • DynamoDB table Creation and querying data
  • Elasticache setup & Configuration with application
  • Testing Application Performance with Elasticache
  1. Elastic Beanstalk Overview
  2. Manual Deployment vs EB Automation
  3. Labs


  • Create a WordPress Application Environment with RDS Database and EC2 Instance Via Automated Elastic Beanstalk Deployment.
  • Blu/Green Deployment Scenarios
  1. Cloud Watch Monitoring & Features 
  2. Alarms
  3. Notifications
  4. Cloud watch Logs
  5. Custom Metrics
  6. Cloudwatch Agent
  7. Triggering Autoscaling
  8. AutoScaling: Vertical vs Horizontal Scaling
  9. Provisioned Capacity vs Autoscaled Capacity
  10. Autoscaling Policies
  11. Autoscaling Groups
  12. Launch COnfigurations
  13. Lifecycle Hooks
  14. Triggering Autoscaling with Cloudwatch
  15. Labs
  • Configure Cloudwatch Agent
  • Create Cloudwatch Alarms
  • Create Cloudwatch Monitoring Dashboards
  • Cloudwatch Billing Alarms
  • Cloudwatch Event Filtering & Custom Metrics
  • Create AMI for Autoscaling
  • Create Autoscaling Launch configurations
  • Create an Autoscaled Application Environment
  • Target Tracking, Step Scaling, & Simple Scaling Policies.
  • Simulate demo environment failure to test Autoscaling
  1. Edge locations & points of presence
  2. CloudFront- Global CDN
  3. Caching tiers & Request flow
  4. Global Accelerator Overview
  5. Regional, Multiregional Deployment  vs Global Accelerator scenario
  6. Labs
    1. Create a CloudFront distribution linked to an S3 bucket as the origin
    2. Test the speed /latency different from the origin v/s CloudFront cache
    3. Cache Invalidations
    4. Global Accelerator Labs is covered in the next model
  • API calls via Command Line Interface
  • Automating Infrastructure deployment with CloudFormation
  • Templates, Stacks & Changesets
  • Analyzing sample custom CloudFormation templates
  • Simple email service overview and features
  • Simple Notification Service Overview and features
  • Labs
    • Creating IAM user for CLI
    • Configuring CLI profile on EC2 and Local Machine
    • IAM Roles
    • Multi Account Access via Roles
    • Creating and deploying a CLoudFormation Stack
    • CloudFormation Designer
    • CF TEmplate Customizations
  • History progression toward microservices and Serverless
  • VMs vs Container Technology
  • Serverless-AWS Lamda Overview
  • Container Services: Amazon ECS, EKS, & Fargate Overview
  • ECS components and features
  • Simple Queueing Service Overview
  • Concept of APIs and API GW overview
  • Labs
  •  Create an ECS Application
  • Lambda console Overview
  • API GW Queries


ï‚· Amazon Athena
ï‚· Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES)
ï‚· Amazon EMR
ï‚· AWS Glue
ï‚· Amazon Kinesis
ï‚· Amazon QuickSight

AWS Billing and Cost Management:
ï‚· AWS Budgets
ï‚· Cost Explorer

High Availability LIVE Project

All the modules are 90% hands On with respective labs. On top LIVE project will help you take the concept home.

Creating a multi tier live web application infrastructure environment using AWS Services.

Services used in this project:

  •     1. EC2 & Autoscaling
  •      2. ELB
  •      3. EBS & AMIs
  •      4. EFS & Elasticache
  •      5. VPC, subnets, Route Tables, Internet GW, NAT GW (optional)  & VPN Endpoint.
  •      6. S3 & Route53
  •      7. RDS, CloudWatch & CloudFront
  •      8. KMS

Load testing the application.

Exam Review

Exam Name: AWS Certified  Solution Architect Associate (SAA-C02)

Exam Length: 130 minutes

Format: 65 questions, either multiple choice or multiple response

Delivery method: Pearson VUE and PSI; testing center or online proctored exam

Tools & Concepts covered in the exam

The list below helps you to understand the general scope of services, features or technologies on the exam. The order is no indication of relative weight or importance. Some services or technologies may be covered more than others in the exam.

ï‚· Compute
ï‚· Cost management
ï‚· Database
ï‚· Disaster recovery
ï‚· High availability
ï‚· Management and governance
ï‚· Microservices and component decoupling
ï‚· Migration and data transfer
ï‚· Networking, connectivity, and content delivery
ï‚· Security
ï‚· Serverless design principles
ï‚· Storage


1 month (~30 hrs)

Instructor-led Online, In Classroom


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FAQS- AWS Solutions Architect

Please refer the tables above for top 10 cities average salary for AWS Solutions Architect in the US.

No. not mandatory. No coding or programing is required. AWS Solutions Architect Associate is the solely one course by AWS, which is meant for both non technical and technical people. It acts like a bridge between non technical and technical professionals.

No prerequisites are needed. As we cover the fundamentals, Cloud Practitioner and Linux Basics for FREE along with AWS Solutions Architect Course.

We recommend you to read the study guide on our resource page for AWS Solutions Architect Associate

No worries! You can just wait for 14 days and reappear for the exam.

Yes. From march 2020, all the AWS Certifications Exam including AWS Solution Architect can be take from home and are called a proctored exams, where in your device (laptop, desktop,.. ) is connected to the AWS during the time of Exam.

For Beta Exams, 90days is the time period. And for most percentage based exams it is delivered via email within 5 days.

Please Note: On completing the exam, the testing screen shows PASS or FAIL notification.

AWS Solutions Architect Associate Certificate is valid for 3 years like any other AWS Certifications.

They have deep knowledge of AWS used for designing AWS Cloud instance for web applications.

They are responsible for look and feel of the applications and interactions of internal modules.

 They design the effective solutions for cloud architecture and build strategies to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Please check the Exam Review above on this page for clarity.  65 questions & 130 minutes


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