aws job interview questions

What Are AWS Job Interview Questions?

If you’re going for an AWS interview, expect questions to focus mostly on technical abilities and familiarity with the platform. It’s very likely that you’ll be asked to show off your knowledge of AWS and other systems.

Some of the questions will be more generic in nature, attempting to ascertain how well you do as an AWS developer. Others will be more technical.

Before you go for an interview, you might consider completing an online refresher course on AWS and preparing a portfolio with real-world samples of your work.


20 Interview Questions and Answers for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Here are some common interview questions and responses for an AWS position.


1. What are the main components of AWS?

It includes:

  • CloudWatch: It allows managers to examine and gather keys in order to monitor AWS resources. It can also set a notification alarm when there’s an issue.
  • Identity and Access Management: the IAM is a security feature that enhances the security of your Amazon Web account security and identity management.
  • Route 53: a DNS-based online service.
  • Simple E-mail Service: this is a unique service that allows you to send email with either a standard SMTP server or a RESTFUL API call.
  • S3: known as the Simple Storage Device, the S3 is one of the most popular AWS services that offer cloud-based storage capability.


2. What is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)?

A virtual private cloud allows you to personalize your networking setup. It is a network in the cloud that is logically separated from another network. It allows you to have your IP address range, subnet, online gateways, and security groups all in one place.


3. What exactly is EC2?

EC2 is a cloud-based virtual machine on which you have complete control over the operating system. This cloud server can be used whenever you want and whenever you need to deploy your own cloud servers. It’s comparable to having on-premises servers when you want complete control over the hardware and updates on the machine.


4. What is CloudFront?

CloudFront is an Amazon Online Services content delivery network that accelerates the delivery of dynamic and static web content such as html, css, js, and image files to users.



5. What is DynamoDB?

DynamoDB, a flexible and efficient database model available in Amazon web services, is the appropriate thing to have if you want a faster and more adaptable NoSQL database.


6. What is the relationship between an instance and an AMI?

You can deploy various types of instances from an AMI. Each instance type has its own set of computer and memory resources. When you run an instance, it appears to be a standard host, and you can communicate with it just like any other computer.


7. What’s the best way to upgrade or downgrade a system with near-zero downtime?

In order to make changes to a system quickly, you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to the EC2 console.
  • Select AMI as the operating system.
  • Create a new instance type and run it.
  • Download and install all of the updates.
  • Set up applications.
  • Check to see if the instance is functional.
  • If everything is functioning, deploy the new instance and remove the old one.
  • You can upgrade or downgrade the system with near-zero downtime after it’s launched.


8. Is there another way to log into the cloud environment besides using the console?

The resources that can help you log into AWS include

  • Putty
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Linux.
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Windows.
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for Windows CMD.
  • Amazon Web Services SDK.


9. You are attempting to provide a service in a certain location but are unable to do so because the service is not available in that region. What’s causing this, and what can you do about it?

Not every AWS services are accessible for all locations. When Amazon first introduces a new service, it is not immediately available in all locations. They begin small and gradually grow to other areas. So, if you don’t find a particular service in your region, it’s likely that it hasn’t been listed yet. If you need a service that isn’t available, you can switch to the nearest region that does.


10. What is an elastic transcoder, exactly?

You may need to update a video’s resolution and format to support several devices with different resolutions, like tablets, smartphones, and laptops. This can be done quickly using an AWS service called the Elastic Transcoder, which is a cloud-based video transcoding tool that does exactly what you need. It’s suitable for corporations and developers, and is simple to use, extremely scalable and cost-effective.


11. What is the purpose of the buffer in Amazon web services?

The buffer makes the system more robust in terms of managing traffic or load by synchronizing multiple components. Components usually receive and handle requests in an uneven manner. Using a buffer, all of the parts will be balanced and work together at the same time, which will lead to faster service.


12. What is the placement of the edges?

The area where the items will be cached is known as the “edge location.” As a result, whenever a user tries to access any content, it is immediately searched at the edge location.


13. What is a Load Balancer, and how does it work?

A load balancer is a virtual computer that balances the load on your online application, which could be Http or Https traffic. It distributes the load over numerous servers, ensuring that no web server is overburdened.


14. What is the purpose of the VPC peering connection?

A VPC peering connection is a networking link that allows two VPCs to communicate with each other. It allows traffic to be routed between two VPCs using both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. In the VPC, the instances will work as if they were on the same network.


15. What is the protocol for sending an Amazon S3 request?

Amazon’s S3 is a REST service, and you can use the AWS SDK or REST API wrapper libraries to send requests.


16. What is AWS Lambda, and how does it work?

AWS Lambda is a computational service that allows you to run your code without having to worry about managing servers. The lambda function executes your code whenever it is required, and you’ll only have to pay once your code is up and running.


17. What is an EIP?

An EC2 instance provides an EIP (Elastic IP address) service. It’s essentially a dedicated IP address for an EC2 instance. This address is linked to your Amazon Web Services account, not an EC2 instance. You can also assign your EIP address to another EC2 instance in your AWS account by disassociating it from the first EC2 instance.


18. Explain the snowball.

A snowball is a type of data conveyance that allows you to transmit a large volume of data from one location to another at a reduced cost.


19. What is a “redshift,” and how does it work?

Redshift is a product for massive data warehouses. It’s a cloud-based and fully managed data warehouse that’s extremely quick and powerful.


20. Describe the types of cloud services.

The types of cloud services include

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Data as a Service (DaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).


These are just some of the potential questions to expect in an AWS interview. However, you should read more broadly depending on the position you’re interviewing for.



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