cloud migration

What Is Cloud Migration? Strategy, Processes, Benefits, And Risks.

What Is Cloud Migration, And How Does It Work?

Cloud migration is moving a company’s digital assets to the cloud. The process is comparable to physical office relocation, however it entails moving apps, data,  and other IT infrastructure from one data center to another, rather than packing and transferring physical possessions. Cloud migration, like relocating from a small to a larger office, takes extensive planning and preparation. However, the effort is usually well worth it, as it leads to cost savings and better flexibility.

This article contains all you need to know about the cloud migration process from cloud migration strategies, cloud migration tools, cloud migration AWS, cloud migration azure and cloud migration from AWS to Azure.


Benefits of Cloud Migration

cloud migration process

At its most basic level, the benefits of cloud computing revolve around efficiency or getting the best results for the least amount of money. The benefit of cloud migration includes the following.

1. Saves You Money

The cloud is based on a pay-per-use model. There is no need to pay additional fees or spend on ongoing training, maintenance, creation, and upgrading space for multiple physical servers. So you’ll get to save money.


2. Reduced IT Maintenance And Enhanced Productivity

Computer hardware and software maintenance is a literally a full-time job that takes a lot of resources. With cloud computing, employees do not need to devote time to the tiresome maintenance of equipment that does not directly contribute to business objectives. The cloud service provider manages the infrastructure, allowing your team to concentrate on meeting business objectives.


3. Resiliency, Reliability, and Performance

The major cloud service providers operate a global network of world-class facilities equipped with cutting-edge technology. This guarantees a number of benefits, including low network latency and  advanced data backup and disaster recovery.


4. More Flexibility

No two organizations face the same level of demand from consumers. Cloud infrastructure automatically scales up or down to meet demand as your traffic grows. As a result, you’ll only use the resources you require.


5. Enhanced Scalability

As an organization grows, its databases, analytics and other workloads increase. Cloud computing makes it easier to improve existing infrastructure, so applications can grow without disrupting work.


6. Security and Compliance

The policies, technology, and controls that cloud providers usually a considerable step up over the organization’s security and compliance standards.

Cloud Migration Risks and Challenges

Regardless of each company’s unique setup, all cloud migrations come with several risks, including the following;


  • Uncertainty in Cloud Migration Strategy: More than a third of businesses do not have a defined cloud migration strategy, compromising their chances of success.


  • Refactoring and rewriting app costs: Many businesses take a lift-and-shift approach to cloud migration, which means they’ll have to refactor their applications to fit their cloud host configurations – which is costly.


  • Inadequate Security: The top three security problems are data security, regulatory compliance, and control over IT services, all of which may need your company to go deeper than your host can.

Unfortunately, many companies lack qualified security specialists to ensure that their cloud migration is entirely secure. As a result, essential information can be leaked for the most insignificant causes, like not having a good antivirus.


  • Latency: Due to interconnections between infrastructure, operations, and applications, 42 percent of organizations moving to the cloud encounter latency in their essential applications.

Latency can be caused by a cloud application, database, or service. If you have apps that demand fast response, a few seconds delay can be devastating to your organization.


  • Vulnerabilities In The Infrastructure: The risks of migrating to the cloud, as well as the opportunities that may materialize, will be influenced by a healthy IT infrastructure. For older legacy systems, migration is more complex. Modern designs focus on microservices and are easier to migrate than conventional architectures.


  • A Protracted Migration Process: For large companies with legacy programs established decades ago moving to the cloud may be a long and arduous process. Businesses with distributed processes and environments are similarly prone to bottlenecks.

Waiting too long may affect performance and result in a decrease in revenue.


Types Of Cloud Migration Strategies


A cloud migration strategy is a high-level plan for moving existing in-premises and/or co-located application workloads, as well as their associated data, to the cloud.

There are different ways businesses can approach it, including the following.

  • Rehosting: This involves moving an existing app, operating system or server in its current state to a cloud server supplied by an IaaS provider.
  • Retaining: This involves keeping the on-premises app to run alongside the cloud system as a backup or as part of a hybrid solution.
  • Re-platforming: The asset is migrated while modest changes are made to its APIs, middleware, operating system, or other properties to improve its performance in the cloud.
  • Refactoring: The asset’s existing code is updated to run more efficiently in the cloud, possibly with the help of technologies like containers and PaaS solutions.
  • Rebuilding: Using PaaS, teams entirely rebuilt the app or workload from the ground up, making it cloud-native.
  • Replacing: An out-of-date old app is replaced with a more convenient SaaS alternative.



Cloud Migration Process

Because each company’s needs are unique, cloud migrations may follow a slightly different path. Here’s step-by-step guide to cloud migration.


1. Set Migration Goals

What improvements in performance does your company want to see? When will legacy infrastructure be phased out? Setting goals against which to evaluate the migration helps you to determine whether or not the migration was productive.


2. Create A Security Strategy

In comparison to on-premises security, cloud security necessitates a distinct approach. A firewall no longer protects corporate assets, and the network perimeter is practically non-existent in the cloud. So it may be necessary for you to deploy a cloud or app firewall to protect your infrastructure.

3. Choose Data to Backup

Choose a cloud provider and back up your existing databases. This should be done regularly throughout the migration process to keep the cloud database current.


4. Move Business Intelligence

This may involve code reworking or rewriting app to align with cloud requirements (It can be done at once or in stages.).


5. Make The Switch From On-Premises To Cloud Production

Once the migration is completed and the cloud is operational, some companies turn off their on-premises infrastructure at the conclusion of these processes, while others keep legacy systems running as a backup of the cloud or as part of a hybrid system.

Cloud Migration Tools


The three major IaaS providers; AWS, Microsoft, and Google, all offer a wide range of cloud migration services including free functionalities.


AWS Cloud Migration

The cloud migration AWS service is provided by Amazon Web Services. It offers database migration, server migration, online data transfer, migration tracking, on-premises/cloud storage integration, and more.


Azure Cloud Migration

Offered by Microsoft, Cloud Migration Azure allows you to move your database and servers to the cloud using the Azure Database Migration and Azure Migrate. It also allows online data transfer, on-premises application analysis, on-premises and cloud storage integration, migration tracking, and more. It also allows cloud migration from AWS to Azure.


Google Cloud Migration

Cloud migration Google offers database migration, online data transfer, server migration, and data transfer appliances.

Best Cloud Migration Practices

Define Who Has Access To The Cloud And Who Owns It.

Determine who will be in charge of certain components of the cloud workload from the start. Is this a communal space? What methods are used to verify identity and grant or restrict access? This includes comprehensive setup and process documentation.


Get Everyone Involved

The transition happens far more smoothly when all parties are on board and understand their roles and responsibilities – from management to technical staffs to end users.

Calculate The Cost Of Using The Cloud.

Organizations used to big infrastructure investments may find the cloud’s pay-as-you-go approach appealing and simpler. However, it is a two-edged sword: Pay close attention to the services you choose and how you use them, or you’ll be surprised at the end of the month.


Recognize The Threats To Your Security.

Internet attacks have the potential to cause havoc in cloud infrastructures. Given the complexity of cloud settings, misconfigurations are perhaps a bigger issue.


Create A Long-Term Cloud Strategy.

If a cloud migration is successful, businesses will likely want to repeat it for additional workloads. Determine the criteria to be followed, including project schedules and deployment choices, such as hybrid cloud architecture.


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