google cloud computing

What is Google Cloud Computing Platform?

Google Cloud Computing:

In this article ” what is google cloud platform” you will dive into the following topics:

  1. what is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

  2. What are the features of GCP?

  3. What is special about google cloud? Why Google Cloud?

  4. What are Google Cloud Services?

  5. How does google cloud work?

  6. Is Google Cloud Safe?

7. Is AWS better than Google Cloud?


What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?

Have you ever heard of the term “cloud computing”? It is a popular buzz term in the IT industry. On basic level, cloud computing is remote computer access model.

Google Cloud is a set of public cloud computing services offered by Google. The platform includes a range of hosted services for compute, storage and application development that run on Google hardware.

It’s an amazingly fast and convenient solution to storing data on servers accessible from anywhere. One of the most upcoming and popular cloud services for businesses is the Google Cloud Platform. It offers a great solution for companies that need reliable yet expansive data storage. You can store large amounts of data without relying or maintaining your own servers.

The cloud service automatically provides the necessary infrastructure. Google Cloud Platform is a suite of products and services developed by Google that integrates computing, networking, storage, and management software with tools such as BigQuery and Cloud Pub/Sub to offer a market-leading cloud infrastructure. It began as “Google Compute Engine” (“GCE”) in June 2011. In October 2015, Google announced the name change to GCP.

The suite comprises several components, including the physical infrastructure of servers and networking and virtual machine instances. This Platform also includes several additional services such as Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Endpoints, Google Cloud SQL, and Google BigQuery. It also includes other features such as the Google Stackdriver monitoring system described in detail below.


<span data-doc-id="2089903000000162014" data-doc-type="writer">Fun Fact: </span>Google announced that it finished turning on its 40th data center in Dublin on March 4, 2014.


Google Cloud Platform was first announced on June 14, 2011. Google Compute Engine was the first service of a new family of cloud services, along with Google App Engine and Google Drive, that would all be built using the same infrastructure. The launch partners included Rackspace Hosting, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Citrix CloudStore, etc. In October 2015, Google announced the name change to GCP.

What exactly does this mean? Suppose you have a website for an online store that sells everything from apples and oranges to the latest iPad Air. You will often need lots of images for different products, so your employees must be able to upload photos of the products as soon as they’re ordered. If you don’t want all those photos on your computer, there are several alternatives.



What are the features of GCP? 

On demand Services

Accelerating Organization’s digital transformation

Most Unified data and AI Solution Provider: Data-cloud

Best In Class Integration with open platform

Advanced Security tools with zero trust data, BeyondCorp


 Is Google Cloud Free? 

Technically, the answer is yes! You can start with a free trial. Free tiers are always available for simple usage of Google Cloud. Lets look into it.

Whether you are new to Google cloud, or an established customer trying new product innovations, Google got you covered.

Yes, Google introduces Google Cloud Free Program.


It is compromises the following:
  1. 90 days – $300 Free Trial: GCP provides $300 in free Cloud Billing credits to explore and evaluate Google Cloud and Google Maps Platform products and services. These credits can be used toward one or a combination of products.

  2. Free Tier: All Google Cloud customers can use select Google Cloud products—like Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery—free of charge, within specified monthly usage limits.These resources are not charged against your Free Trial credits (when you stay within the free tier limits) or to your Cloud Billing account’s payment method after your trial ends.

  3. Google Maps Platform monthly credit: Google Maps Platform features a recurring $200 monthly credit. You can here.


 What is special about Google Cloud?  Why Google Cloud?

Google’s cloud services— Google Cloud Platform—can be used by businesses with specific business needs. For example, if you send employees out to take photos of different locations and then post those photos online via Google Docs, the service can be a lifesaver.


But what else is special about it?

Integration with Open Platform:

One of the best things about Google Cloud Platform is integrating with other online services like Gmail, Drive, and Docs. This allows you to easily share your information with others without worrying about keeping separate accounts and services up-to-date.


Security tools with BeyondCorp

BeyondCorp is Google’s idea of Zero trust model. Without the traditional VPN,  it enables secure work from any virtual location.

It features the following components:

Access to services

  • must not be determined by the network from which you connect

  • is granted based on contextual factors from the user and their device

  • must be authenticated, authorized, and encrypted


What are Google Cloud Services or Products?

There are hundreds of google cloud services. Here are the major google cloud services or featured products listed below:

Compute Engine: Virtual Machines running on data centers

Cloud Storage: secure, scalable and durable.

Cloud SQL: Relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, & SQL server.

Google Kubernetes Engine: environment for running containerized apps.

Cloud CDN: cloud delivery network for web and video

Cloud SDK: Command Line tools and libraries of google cloud

Cloud Run: Develop and deploy highly scalable containerized applications with  any languages like Go, python, Java, Node.js, .Net,… on fully managed serverless platform





Cloud Functions:



 How does Google Cloud work? 

Google Cloud consists of physical assets, like computers and hard disk drives, and virtual resources, like virtual machines (VMs), that are contained in Google’s data centers around the globe. Each data center location is in a region.

Google Cloud allows you to store any amount of data online. You can access it from anywhere, with any device. This is done through Google Drive or Google Docs, and you can register for free. You can have a variety of different website hosting options and access to technical support.

Besides storage, you can also use the Google Cloud Platform for various other business needs.


 Is Google Cloud safe? 

Google Cloud Platform is completely secure for storing your data. You can rest assured that it’s immune to viruses or malware because the data is always located on dedicated servers hosted by Google. These cloud-based servers are monitored 24/7.



 How do I start with google cloud computing? 

If you are thinking about starting with google cloud computing, understanding the basics is key. This article will go over what google cloud computing is and why it’s so important for your business.

Google cloud computing is a system that offers online storage and processing services in the form of applications. It can be used to update data and backup and restore information from a remote hosting system instead of dealing with physical servers and data centers themselves.

Cloud computing is an approach to delivering IT services in a convenient, on-demand model. It has many advantages compared with the traditional way of doing business. Cloud computing allows your business to access data remotely from any device, providing increased mobility and a more efficient workflow.

One great thing about starting a website is that it doesn’t cost anything to register. But you’ll have to spend some money to use the service. The first thing you should do is create a free account. Your next step is to decide which server and plan you want to use. This can be done through your free trial or with a paid plan.

You now have access to the Google Cloud Platform website, where you can upload your site information and continue setting up other functions of your new website with Google’s tools and services.

Is AWS better than Google Cloud?

There are many advantages that Google Cloud Platform offers. You can start with a free trial to explore the possibilities of the service. Plus, several of Google’s services—such as Gmail, Drive, and Docs—are already available there. Even if you don’t plan on paying for the service, don’t forget that it doesn’t cost anything to use it!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an alternative to the Google Cloud Platform. This online service offers all the benefits needed to build a website or store your data. You can easily move your data from one place to another, as it’s always available and secure. 

You may wonder which service is better: AWS or Google Cloud Platform. Of course, you don’t want to lose your data if you’re already on one cloud since many things can happen to your hard drive. But still migrating from one cloud to other is always possible. Hope you understood.

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