aws console

What’s New With AWS Console In 2022?

AWS Console is the user interface to manage AWS Services. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leader in cloud services that have redefined how we use technology. It has introduced many services and tools to make cloud computing easier for enterprises and individuals.

AWS offers a user-friendly online console to manage the different services. To help customers easily access and manage their AWS accounts, the company released a new version of its browser-based console in early 2018.

In 2021, AWS introduced another refreshed version of this console with additional features that further simplify how users access and manage their accounts.

This article covers what’s new with AWS Console in 2022 and how these changes will impact you as an end user or developer.

Lets dig deeper…


  1. Introduction to AWS Console
  2. Key Improvements in AWS Console in 2022
  3. Amazon AI Platform and ML Services
  4. Amazon Blockchain Service
  5. Conclusion


Introduction to AWS Console

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) console is a user-friendly online console or user interface that helps you manage the different services available on the AWS platform. You can access the AWS console by logging in to

The user dashboard of the console provides details about your AWS usage, payments, and resource allocation. Besides, the console helps you automate common tasks, like provisioning, deploying, and operating applications, so you can focus on growing your business.

The AWS console provides you with a graphical user interface (GUI) and an intuitive navigation menu that allows you to manage your account at one place. You can use it to access, control, and pay for the services you’re using, like AWS Cloud, Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Lambda, Amazon EMR, Amazon SQS, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Aurora.


Key Improvements in the AWS Console in 2022

The new version of the AWS web console boasts many new features, including a revamped user experience, enhanced security, and better integration with third-party tools. Users can benefit from a more personalized experience, thanks to new ways to sort and filter data.

Other highlights of the new AWS console include:

1. A New Focus on Security – AWS has always been a leader in security, but the new console features a stronger focus on security through its new design. Simply put, users now have better visibility into account activity and have an easier time securing their AWS accounts.

2. Better Collaboration – The new AWS console is designed to enhance collaboration between users, which is essential when working in teams across organizations. The new console also offers an improved Amazon ML experience, with new metrics and AI insights that help users make better data science and machine learning decisions.

3. New Ways to Organize Information – The new console offers more ways to sort and filter data, which makes navigating large amounts of information easier. It also allows users to use natural language search to find what they’re looking for, making it more convenient for people to discover information.

4. Improved Graphical User Interface – The AWS console design has been modernized to provide a better, more intuitive user experience. The new console also offers a more fluid navigation, with elements that are more responsive.

5. Expanded Amazon AI Capabilities – The new AWS console features a broader set of AI-powered capabilities, including a new Conversations feature that connects users to AI services through text and voice interfaces.

6. Further Third-Party Integration – The new console also offers better integration with third-party tools like JIRA, Salesforce, and Splunk, which makes it easier to access AWS data.


Amazon AI Platform and ML Services

With Amazon AI Platform, you can build and host natural language and visual recognition models as services on AWS. These models help you automate tasks and predict outcomes, like sentiment analysis and image recognition.

Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML) provides services that help you build and deploy computer models with little to no experience in machine learning or artificial intelligence. For example, Amazon SageMaker is a managed service that makes it easy for you to build, train, and deploy sophisticated Amazon AI models for your application.


Amazon Blockchain Service

Amazon Blockchain is a fully managed decentralized ledger service that enables you to easily create blockchain networks to secure transactions and build business applications. It supports Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum networks and allows you to create a blockchain network with only a few clicks in the AWS Management Console.



The AWS console is the primary way to log into your account and manage its various components. The new AWS console is designed to make your experience more personalized, collaborative, and intuitive, with new features like natural language search and a graphically refreshed design. AWS continues to add new features and services to its platform, which makes it a great option for developers and organizations of all sizes.



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