amazon cloudwatch

What is Amazon CloudWatch?

Amazon CloudWatch Defined:

AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service that provides you with information about the performance of your AWS resources and applications running hybrid or on premise. It also enables you to create custom metrics and monitor them on an ongoing or scheduled basis.


The Amazon CloudWatch API allows third-party developers to integrate their applications with these monitoring features and provide their users with a richer experience, while providing them the benefits offered by AWS such as cost savings and scalability. CloudWatch is a fully managed service, meaning that it does not require you to deploy or manage your own infrastructure.


Amazon CloudWatch Categories:

CloudWatch has a large number of metrics available, which are grouped into categories such as uptime, traffic and memory. It also has custom performance metrics, which enable you to monitor your applications and the underlying infrastructure by using these new metrics instead of simple averages. You can create custom metrics, which give you finer granularity than other metrics. You can also monitor a whole application or only certain parts of it, such as a specific part of the page, a sub-section or even the entire application.


Amazon CloudWatch Availability:

Amazon CloudWatch is available in all AWS Regions, and it’s free for all AWS customers. It is available in several languages: English, Japanese, German and Russian.

The more users, applications and resources you have on AWS, the more important it is to monitor its performance. AWS CloudWatch helps you to do this by providing several monitoring capabilities:


CloudWatch Metrics:

Amazon CloudWatch also offers a large number of metrics from many AWS services. In addition to monitoring Amazon EC2 instances, CloudWatch can provide information about your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and files, for example. CloudWatch also monitors the performance of Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) and Amazon EC2 instances.

AWS CloudWatch provides data about most AWS services that offer monitoring capabilities. In addition to monitoring Amazon EC2, CloudWatch gathers data about:

Data gathered by CloudWatch is stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). This means that the data is often distributed across multiple regions, the only limitation is storage capacity on all AWS Regions.

What does AWS CloudWatch do?  

CloudWatch is a monitoring service that gives you insight into the state of your AWS resources, including Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon Elastic Load Balancers, and Amazon EBS volumes.

CloudWatch provides metrics to help you understand resource utilization, availability, and performance trends.  CloudWatch collects data from each of your AWS resources through event notifications.  This data can be accessed from the CloudWatch console or programmatically via an API or command-line interface (CLI).

CloudWatch is composed of the following components: 

* CloudWatch Events:  The way you send a notification of an event.  For example, you can select an SNS topic and schedule notifications to be sent when threshold values are met, or a resource has failed.

* CloudWatch Logs:  Selecting log types and filtering logs by region, instance state, and customer can give you your desired level of detail.

                                                      CLOUDWATCH EVENTSaws cloudwatch events

What are three things you can do in CloudWatch?  

CloudWatch is AWS’ real-time monitoring service that provides a wealth of different metrics for your EC2 instances, the health and performance of your running instances, and any changes made to the configuration.  What are three things you can do in CloudWatch?

1.  Managed Metrics

One of the most important features of CloudWatch, and one of the features that I use all the time, is the ability to create real-time monitoring for your applications.  This also means you can give yourself alerts when a metric goes out of a particular range and take action.  You can set up alarms to get notified when something is wrong, or you need to restart your instance.

2.  Monitoring Code

You can also monitor your applications by writing a monitoring script triggered by CloudWatch events.  This means you can monitor your application for any metric or health check or have per-application settings.

3.  Real-Time Alerts

Other types of alerts are useful if your applications aren’t configured to send out notifications to some group.

What types of monitoring can Amazon CloudWatch be used for?  

Amazon CloudWatch is an AWS service that can monitor the resources that are running in your AWS account.  With just a few minutes of configuration, you’ll be able to get data on CPU Utilization, Network In and Out traffic, disk read and write rates, HTTP Requests Queue Size, Disk Queue length etc.

Looking at the graphs and tables on Amazon CloudWatch, you can see what your resource usage is like overall or at all of your resources.


But what if I have more than one resource in my account?  

The resource is your AWS account, and you have multiple resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, SQS queues etc.  You can set up Amazon CloudWatch to monitor all of these resources simultaneously from a single dashboard.

However, we will focus on monitoring a single resource, i.e. your Amazon EC2 instance and will quickly look at the other types of resources that can be monitored later.

How do you set up monitoring for your EC2 instance(s)?

You can start monitoring your EC2 instance(s) from the EC2 console.  Once you are signed in to the console, you will see an option for CloudWatch. Click on it to get started.

To monitor your EC2 instance(s), you must attach one or more monitoring rules to your AWS account.  A rule is a pattern that can be used by CloudWatch to filter out data from your resources based on conditions you specify.

Is CloudWatch open source?

Amazon Web Services CloudWatch is a monitoring service for applications deployed on Amazon Web Services.

CloudWatch provides metrics and real-time analysis of your tasks, simplifying the process of running and optimizing your workloads.  The service can monitor many kinds of AWS resources, so it’s easy to integrate with other AWS services.  If you are not an Amazon customer, use one of the alternatives to CloudWatch that we’ve listed below.

CloudWatch can be used with any application running in the AWS Cloud.  The management interface is provided by the AWS Management Console, CLI or SDKs from Amazon and third-party vendors.

CloudWatch has different service levels that you can choose from:

– Free: The service is not reserved from you and is used by anyone who wants to send metrics to the Amazon CloudWatch.  You can also use the service free with third-party vendors if they do not receive any payment from Amazon.

– Reserved: The service is reserved with your AWS account, and you can only monitor metrics sent by your AWS accounts or yourself.  You can monitor metrics sent to a CloudWatch subscribe or target resource.

What is a CloudWatch agent?

CloudWatch agents are third-party applications that can be configured to monitor other systems and send metrics to CloudWatch.

For example, you could use a packet sniffer – a type of application that captures data packets sent over a network – on your computer as a CloudWatch agent to track your internet connection’s latency and average upload bandwidth.  The CloudWatch agent could then send the information to CloudWatch, which would make the data available for querying and graphing in CloudWatch.

For example, suppose your ISP has a customer support area that helps with billing and network issues.  You could use a packet sniffer or other software configured as a CloudWatch agent to track if there are delays when trying to reach them with support tickets.


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